Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What You're Going To Be One Day

I know I haven't blogged in a while. Probably because of the exams and busy-ness and also the fact that I've lost inspiration to blog. And I realised that its going to take really something big to get back typing here. But finally, I found something which I think is really something worth sharing. To my fellow readers who do the 'Connect' journal of Joshua, Nehemiah & Thessalonians, its in between day 35-36. To my fellow Christians, enjoy reading. To those skeptical or just don't bother, some food for thought. I actually searched up google and am surprised that I cant find it anywhere so I decided to type it.

The article:

Three words: "It's morphin' time!" As children, my brothers and I were addicted to our favourite show, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers – an addiction that eventually led to an extensive card collection, elaborate performances and doing our own stunts. I thought I was – by far – the best yellow ranger.

But it was all part of the game we play as children, being anything we want to be. Unfortunately, it’s a game that eventually ends. No one really grows up to be Superman, Barbie, a Care Bear or even a Power Ranger. We lose touch of the “sky’s the limit” attitude and fit ourselves into nicely-contained packages labeled “teacher,” “clerk,” “doctor,” “lawyer,” “employee,” “writer” and even “professional television viewer.” These labels don’t define who we are, but what we do. And it’s difficult for some people to figure out what they are supposed to do with their lives.

Kids are asked, “What are you going to be when you grow up?” They have to draw out their dream on bright sheets of paper where everything is a possibility, and if little Sammy wants to be a truck, then he can be the best truck. My friend’s three year old wants to be the Tod the fox from The Fox and the Hound – you get the picture. Children eventually become more grounded. Whatever our answer to that question might have been, it will probably change or evolve into something more meaningful, or realistic.

Now I am asked, “What are you going to do after graduation?” My response varies, but it always includes a shrug of the shoulders and a look of uncertainty. In a week I will be receiving a college degree, and I don’t have any concrete plans for my future.

In these past few weeks I’ve realized that the big mystery of college graduation revolves around the question, “What now?” Where have these past 18 years of education brought me? I am surrounded by people asking that same question, and the majority of my friends (including me) have a cloud of Eeyore-like gloom over our heads. We walk around wondering what’s going to happen to us and what we should do with our lives.

We live without concrete answers, and yet our society calls for 9-to-5 decisions. There doesn’t seem to be room for God-inspired passion, and it’s hard to let go of the control we yearn for. We really don’t want to let God take control of all our questions, doubts or entire life.

The truth is that I don’t know what I want to be, but I know what I don’t want to be: a person who holds onto everything and doesn’t let God in. I don’t want to become someone who doesn’t love what they do, who doesn’t enjoy making a difference, someone who lets life pass by without enjoying every moment, breathing in every breath and loving every minute of it. I’m not sure where that leaves me, but I do know that I cannot do this on my own. I’m not built for that. All I can do is trust and hold fast to everything that God has planned for me.

Easier said than done? Yes, but it’s one of those “sky’s the limit” instances where there is no end to God’s amazing love for us. I don’t need to worry about my future plans if I place those plans in the hands of the One who holds the future. I’ll sit back and enjoy the ride, because wherever it takes me, it will be where God wants me to be.

I find this really fitting to my current
Anyway, that's all
not hungry....ciaoz

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