I juz came back from after 4 days in Brisbane. With shoulders, thighs, calfs and hands aching, I practically slept like a pig this morning. Anyway, I have tons of pictures even though I dont have a camera but I'd juz lich of everyone who did bring a camera...hehe..Anyway, I went there for a badminton competition as I was the mens singles representative of Victoria. It was quite fun though because I went there with 5 other frens of which 3 I juz met...
Day 1 : I had to stay overnight in Tai Jia's house bcos the bus to Avalon airport was at 5.55am and I din want to wake up extremely early juz to travel to Southern Cross from Caulfield. So the conference was from July 1st - 4th and on the 30th I was adi in city. I din sleep at all the night before. Not that I was excited or anything but we(me, Tai Jia, and his hsemate Shao Dong) were talking to much crap and busy causing havoc on GTA San Andreas that there wasnt enough time to sleep..lol...right to the very end I was still blowing up cars on that computer game. So we met up with Wai Kit and headed to Melb Central around 5.20am and reached Southern Cross in time before the bus took of to Avalon. Flight was at 8am and when we arrived in Brisbane, I adi had the feeling I'm gonna be spending alot of cash here...zzz..We took a 10 person cab to University of Queensland St Lucia campus which cost each of us around 6 bucks(started la the money spending)..
Thats the 10 people cab..lol and UQ behind..
After checking in, we got our stuff which included a Victoria scarf. a Victoria headband, a Victoria t-shirt(I noe, talk about semangat man..-__-"), the keys to the room and other goodies. It was a shock when I entered my room, it was freaking filled with posters of girls using their barehands to cover their boobs!! and bikinis..talk about pervs who stayed in the room man..but anyway, I decided to swap rooms with another fren(which I think his gf wasnt to happy about it >.<). We went to look for lunch..Luckily nearby there was a row of restaurants called Hawken Drive..we ate Jap...After that I went back to my room to sleep as I din want to be sleepy for the next day, my game was on the nxt day. Then there was the briefing to delegates followed by the welcoming barbeque dinner..Somehow the administration was a bit screwed up. The transport was in a mess, they kept changing the times, the toilets had NO hot water!! We are smacked right in the middle of winter and they expect us to bathe with cold water? Gila ka??? We didnt stay long after the bbq, felt it wasnt important and we rather spend our time on bridge and poker..lol..
We slept about 12 that night....
Day 2 : The big day...competition day..My alarm was set at 6am but guess wat..at 5.45am, my team captain Tasha called me..Tasha: WAKEY WAKEY!!!...zzz..got ready and went to eat, then headed to the track where I witness team Queensland sweeping so many athletics categories..The bus left at 8 and went to the Brisbane Girls Grammar School where the basketball and badminton were held. Mens singles was up 1st.
Game on....
Match 1: Victoria vs Queensland..
Won straight sets...cant remember the score though...
Match 2 : Victoria vs Australian Central Territory
I dont exactly have a picture of the game but I do have a video..I was winning 6-1 in the 1st game before the poor guy tripped and fell spraining his ankle...He had to concede a walkover...

Match 3 : Victoria vs New South Wales
This joker ask me to play a friendly match in a competition..haha..Although I relaxed more I found myself making a lot of mistakes in the 2nd game. Won straight sets too..

Haha...by now u think wat man...so many camwhore pictures...not I take wan la..but I like it..hehe..
Match 4: Victoria vs Western Australia
This guy had also won his 3 games before facing me. So it was actually down to this game to decide who wins the competition..he was good man...I lost the 1st game, and I started to tense up, mistakes happened alot and I started to feel the effects of fatigue. Then Sinyu came and gave me pointers..His advice was really very good and I quickly overturned the game around in game 2. I lost 16-21 followed by winning 21-8(I think). It was down to the rubber set. The WA dude was quite tired and I was lucky bcos ACT guy managed to play him down 3 sets but conceded a walkover to me so technically I played 1 less game. Then he started to get muscle pulls and it was a pity he wasnt in top fitness, otherwise it would have been a great final match. I won the rubber 21-5, thus winning MASCA badminton.
This was my final shot..love it...hehe..nice....Wai Kit is in the background leaning against the wall..
(I was up in the air and he wasnt looking at me??? -_____-"..lol)
Sinyu and Nick won the mens doubles easily, there wasnt really any competition considering both of them can trash me easily..Tasha and Nick oso won the mixed doubles while the womens doubles managed a bronze...
By the time badminton was over it was adi dark.. I rushed back as I was going to meet Rachel for dinner(Rachel Mok, not Rachel Chua..haha...why would my sister be in Brisbane >.<)... . Met her at Hawken before going to the city and we ate at Pancake Manor which actually really is Pancake Parlour in Melbourne..oh well, not that I eat Pancake Parlour alot anyway..I ate some Mexican crepe but unfortunately due to the lack of cameras I didnt manage to take any pictures of the food :( We had insane conversations from sheeps and shepherds, dreams, relationships all the way till movies and korean dramas..so now another souls knows the romantic comedy addict side of me..WAT??? its normal ok....I think..reached back before midnight and considering the long day I had..it was back to zzzz..oh btw, bcos of the lack of hot water, I actually bathe at the place I played badminton, but then after the hassle only they told me there was hot water at UQ now..damn it...too much!!!.. . .
Day 3: Another long day...this time, I'm going Gold coast to go Movie World!!! Its about an hour away and had to take buses and trains to get there...not to mention the silent killer of its cost...
In the train there with Nick and Sinyu
Dunno wat the heck is Tai Jia doing...this self proclaim cute guy is only 5 ft 3 :P :P
Nick, Sinyu, Wai Kit, Shao Dong and me..This is upon arrival at MW.
And get wat was the 1st attraction we saw..none other than the Superman Escape...

chun rite!!!..haha...this ride goes from 0-100 in 2 secs..got 4.2 geforce and -1 geforce. look at that fall!! I went on Lethal Weapon 3 times which was also very exhilirating but this was better...and one 4D show on Shrek. The queue was long as expected and we only managed to ride it once.
Of course there was those other costumed people parading around, I mean that's MW, its meant to be like that..
We rushed like mad people back to UQ as the last bus to the Masquerade Ball was 5.30. We actually were planning to take a cab as we were really late but thank God we are all Malaysians..and wat happens when we are Malaysians??? Yes..we are never on time..By the time we were ready to go the 1st bus which was suppose to leave at 5.15 hasnt even left, and it was 6.25!!.
When we finally arrived at the Greek Club. Like all masquerade balls no entry unmasked so I bought a Batman mask from MV and completely sliced of the top with a scissors juz for the sake of entering the ball. I never put it on again after that...lol..the ball started 2 hours after scheduled man...talk about late...
Us in our masks...guess who is who..lol...I bet u can guess who is the shortest...hehehe..I'm so evil..I had my moment of fame when I was called on stage to be presented the medal for winning in badminton...the cheers from team Victoria was so cool...

The badminton gang at the ball. From left standing: Sinyu, Cadance. Nick, Tasha and me
Supporters squatting down: Shao Dong, Tai Jia and Wai Kit..
Look we all had medals...hehe...
After the ball we headed back and had a shower before our long session of heart attack(the card game..not really heart attack!!) It was so fun we laughed the whole time
Day 4 : Its the final day..due to the lack of sleep, I skipped breakfast in favour of sleeping overtime but had to check out by 9am. We headed to the city and I had my last glimpse of a pretty girl I saw at the conference before leaving. I din have the guts to walk up and talk to her though...haha..thought it was a useless thing to do...wakakaka..pretty girls to see only, don have to know wan...hahah...When we reached the city we wonderred around aimlessly.
Clockwise : Wai Kit, Shao Dong, Me, Sinyu, Rafiq(Tasha's bf), Tasha and Nick

This pic damn funny..suppose to be my hand creating a ball of fire while Tai Jia tries to block the tong that is keeping the fire burning..somehow it fails miserably...
Then we tried to enter the casino to have a look...sadly, they only accept passport or Australian drivers license..so a few of us could not enter...these 2 trying to make it look as if the lost all their money..haha....
I met up with Rachel again after that for lunch..she brought me to some chinese restaurant that gets a CCM discount..tasted good and cheap as well...then we had gelato at gelatissimo..the belgian chocolate was good, girls call it sinful, I dont care....lol, juz eat...
We took the opportunity to ride the ferry back to campus..I must say, that is the most stable boat ride I've ever been on, its almost like walking on a non-moving vehicle...it doesnt get rocked at all!!!
Engineers please tell me how this design makes it so stable???
In the ferry, from left: Rafiq, me, Wai Kit, Rachel(who obviously isn't looking at the camera..lol), Tai Jia, Shao Dong(is he hiding??his face has been covered 80% wat the heck..) some unknown girl, and Tasha..
Upon arrival at UQ stop...
Since we had so much time, Rachel walked us to this park where it looks so much better than our south lawn in Melbourne Uni..*grin* the grass is so flat it can even be a soccer field...
And then started with our jumps...Wai Kit actually jumped higher than me!!!
And bid farewell to Rachel..hehe..thanks for ur company Rachel..will be glad to bring u around Melbourne :)
Wah..this post certainly took a long time...but thats all my trip to Brisbane, cos we headed to the airport and back to Melbourne after this.
Brisbane certainly has its better side..especially its weather..I get to wear t-shirt in the afternoon!!! on a winter season!!!..lol
till then..hungry adi..ciaoz
Day 1 : I had to stay overnight in Tai Jia's house bcos the bus to Avalon airport was at 5.55am and I din want to wake up extremely early juz to travel to Southern Cross from Caulfield. So the conference was from July 1st - 4th and on the 30th I was adi in city. I din sleep at all the night before. Not that I was excited or anything but we(me, Tai Jia, and his hsemate Shao Dong) were talking to much crap and busy causing havoc on GTA San Andreas that there wasnt enough time to sleep..lol...right to the very end I was still blowing up cars on that computer game. So we met up with Wai Kit and headed to Melb Central around 5.20am and reached Southern Cross in time before the bus took of to Avalon. Flight was at 8am and when we arrived in Brisbane, I adi had the feeling I'm gonna be spending alot of cash here...zzz..We took a 10 person cab to University of Queensland St Lucia campus which cost each of us around 6 bucks(started la the money spending)..
After checking in, we got our stuff which included a Victoria scarf. a Victoria headband, a Victoria t-shirt(I noe, talk about semangat man..-__-"), the keys to the room and other goodies. It was a shock when I entered my room, it was freaking filled with posters of girls using their barehands to cover their boobs!! and bikinis..talk about pervs who stayed in the room man..but anyway, I decided to swap rooms with another fren(which I think his gf wasnt to happy about it >.<). We went to look for lunch..Luckily nearby there was a row of restaurants called Hawken Drive..we ate Jap...After that I went back to my room to sleep as I din want to be sleepy for the next day, my game was on the nxt day. Then there was the briefing to delegates followed by the welcoming barbeque dinner..Somehow the administration was a bit screwed up. The transport was in a mess, they kept changing the times, the toilets had NO hot water!! We are smacked right in the middle of winter and they expect us to bathe with cold water? Gila ka??? We didnt stay long after the bbq, felt it wasnt important and we rather spend our time on bridge and poker..lol..
Day 2 : The big day...competition day..My alarm was set at 6am but guess wat..at 5.45am, my team captain Tasha called me..Tasha: WAKEY WAKEY!!!...zzz..got ready and went to eat, then headed to the track where I witness team Queensland sweeping so many athletics categories..The bus left at 8 and went to the Brisbane Girls Grammar School where the basketball and badminton were held. Mens singles was up 1st.
Game on....
Match 1: Victoria vs Queensland..
Match 2 : Victoria vs Australian Central Territory
I dont exactly have a picture of the game but I do have a video..I was winning 6-1 in the 1st game before the poor guy tripped and fell spraining his ankle...He had to concede a walkover...
Match 3 : Victoria vs New South Wales
This joker ask me to play a friendly match in a competition..haha..Although I relaxed more I found myself making a lot of mistakes in the 2nd game. Won straight sets too..
Haha...by now u think wat man...so many camwhore pictures...not I take wan la..but I like it..hehe..
Match 4: Victoria vs Western Australia
This guy had also won his 3 games before facing me. So it was actually down to this game to decide who wins the competition..he was good man...I lost the 1st game, and I started to tense up, mistakes happened alot and I started to feel the effects of fatigue. Then Sinyu came and gave me pointers..His advice was really very good and I quickly overturned the game around in game 2. I lost 16-21 followed by winning 21-8(I think). It was down to the rubber set. The WA dude was quite tired and I was lucky bcos ACT guy managed to play him down 3 sets but conceded a walkover to me so technically I played 1 less game. Then he started to get muscle pulls and it was a pity he wasnt in top fitness, otherwise it would have been a great final match. I won the rubber 21-5, thus winning MASCA badminton.
(I was up in the air and he wasnt looking at me??? -_____-"..lol)
Sinyu and Nick won the mens doubles easily, there wasnt really any competition considering both of them can trash me easily..Tasha and Nick oso won the mixed doubles while the womens doubles managed a bronze...
By the time badminton was over it was adi dark.. I rushed back as I was going to meet Rachel for dinner(Rachel Mok, not Rachel Chua..haha...why would my sister be in Brisbane >.<)... . Met her at Hawken before going to the city and we ate at Pancake Manor which actually really is Pancake Parlour in Melbourne..oh well, not that I eat Pancake Parlour alot anyway..I ate some Mexican crepe but unfortunately due to the lack of cameras I didnt manage to take any pictures of the food :( We had insane conversations from sheeps and shepherds, dreams, relationships all the way till movies and korean dramas..so now another souls knows the romantic comedy addict side of me..WAT??? its normal ok....I think..reached back before midnight and considering the long day I had..it was back to zzzz..oh btw, bcos of the lack of hot water, I actually bathe at the place I played badminton, but then after the hassle only they told me there was hot water at UQ now..damn it...too much!!!.. . .
Day 3: Another long day...this time, I'm going Gold coast to go Movie World!!! Its about an hour away and had to take buses and trains to get there...not to mention the silent killer of its cost...
And get wat was the 1st attraction we saw..none other than the Superman Escape...
chun rite!!!..haha...this ride goes from 0-100 in 2 secs..got 4.2 geforce and -1 geforce. look at that fall!! I went on Lethal Weapon 3 times which was also very exhilirating but this was better...and one 4D show on Shrek. The queue was long as expected and we only managed to ride it once.
Of course there was those other costumed people parading around, I mean that's MW, its meant to be like that..
We rushed like mad people back to UQ as the last bus to the Masquerade Ball was 5.30. We actually were planning to take a cab as we were really late but thank God we are all Malaysians..and wat happens when we are Malaysians??? Yes..we are never on time..By the time we were ready to go the 1st bus which was suppose to leave at 5.15 hasnt even left, and it was 6.25!!.
When we finally arrived at the Greek Club. Like all masquerade balls no entry unmasked so I bought a Batman mask from MV and completely sliced of the top with a scissors juz for the sake of entering the ball. I never put it on again after that...lol..the ball started 2 hours after scheduled man...talk about late...
The badminton gang at the ball. From left standing: Sinyu, Cadance. Nick, Tasha and me
Supporters squatting down: Shao Dong, Tai Jia and Wai Kit..
Look we all had medals...hehe...
After the ball we headed back and had a shower before our long session of heart attack(the card game..not really heart attack!!) It was so fun we laughed the whole time
Day 4 : Its the final day..due to the lack of sleep, I skipped breakfast in favour of sleeping overtime but had to check out by 9am. We headed to the city and I had my last glimpse of a pretty girl I saw at the conference before leaving. I din have the guts to walk up and talk to her though...haha..thought it was a useless thing to do...wakakaka..pretty girls to see only, don have to know wan...hahah...When we reached the city we wonderred around aimlessly.
This pic damn funny..suppose to be my hand creating a ball of fire while Tai Jia tries to block the tong that is keeping the fire burning..somehow it fails miserably...
I met up with Rachel again after that for lunch..she brought me to some chinese restaurant that gets a CCM discount..tasted good and cheap as well...then we had gelato at gelatissimo..the belgian chocolate was good, girls call it sinful, I dont care....lol, juz eat...
We took the opportunity to ride the ferry back to campus..I must say, that is the most stable boat ride I've ever been on, its almost like walking on a non-moving vehicle...it doesnt get rocked at all!!!
Wah..this post certainly took a long time...but thats all my trip to Brisbane, cos we headed to the airport and back to Melbourne after this.
Brisbane certainly has its better side..especially its weather..I get to wear t-shirt in the afternoon!!! on a winter season!!!..lol
till then..hungry adi..ciaoz
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