Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tagged by Sim Wee Haw

I dont usually do this..wait a minute..its my 1st time doing this...haha...if u dun wanna read, dun care la...
1. the rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. each player answers the questions about themselves
3. at the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog
starting time: 9.31am gmt i dun give a damn
name: Chua Shenhaw, Jonathan
sisters: 1
brothers: 0
shoe size: 10
height: 172 cm
where do you live: PeeJay

have you ever been on a plane?
dumbass question

swam in the ocean?
dumbass question #2

fallen asleep in school?
seriously dumbass question

broken someone's heart?
i wish...

fell off your chair?
noob...sure la

sat by the phone and waited all night for someone to call?
wait for sms can ar?? call no la, not that desperate

saved emails?

what is your room like?
messy and gg-ed

what's right beside you?
messed up bed

what was the last thing you ate?
ham, egg and fried chicken with instant noodle (no not maggi, its at a restaurant)

ever had chicken pox?
according to my mum, a bit only, so i took a shot to prevent it

like picnics?
depends with who

who was/were the last person you dance with?
cant remember her name..she was teaching me how to dance at an ocf event

last made you smile?
Pei Xian

you last yelled at...
cant remember, probably Lim Ann Ye

today did you talk to someone you like?
no, dun intend to, but i might..

kissed anyone?
not on the

get sick?
dumbass question #4

talk to an ex?
dun have one :)

missed someone?
Sim Wee Haw!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who do you really hate?
CRK!! joke with Mel) otherwise I dun hate anybody

do you like your handwriting?

are your toenails painted?
if i said yes, would anyone believe me?? -.- no..

whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
i can sleep anywhere....

what colour shirt are you wearing right now?

are you a friendly person?
yes, should think so

do you have any pets?
no, mum says who gonna clean them...

do you sleep with the tv on?
few times when my parents are away

what are you doing right now?
doing this thing la..wat the heck...

can you handle the truth?
if the truth hurts me, yes, but if it hurts the person telling me, i rather not..

are you closer to your mother or father?
impartial, i love them both...

do you eat healthy?
indomee is the bomb!!

do you still pictures of you and your ex?
refer up....

if you're having a bad day, who would you most likely go to?
my shepherd..

are you loud or quiet most of the time?
my mouth damn big...but i can keep secrets...

are you confident?
over sometimes...

5 things i was doing 10 years ago:
1. playing GI Joe
2. watching Power Rangers
3. bullying my sister
4. eating 50 cents noodles
5. combing my hair into flat centre parting....

5 things i would do if i am a billionaire:
1. give 10% to church
2. travel the world
3. bmw z4
4. give my mom the million i owe her :P
5. Buy Manchester United FC from Sim

5 of my bad habits:
1. Procrastinate
2. Fashionably late arrival
3. lazy
4. gossip too much
5.unhealthy sleeping regime

5 places i am living in:
1. Melbourne
2. PJ
3. dumbass question #5
4. this is shit
5. this is super shit...

5 people i tag:
1. suwen (although she is too busy to bother)
2. li hsien (although she wont bother)
3. jason (hardly do these stuff)
4. ida (doesnt
5. rachel..(hehe.hi!!)

end time: 9.48am gmt i dun give a damn


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