Saturday, February 19, 2011


If there's one thing that will happen repetitively throughout our lives, it will be that we WILL get sick. If its not today, somewhere within the nxt year, we're bound to fall ill. Our bodies are not perfect therefore, there will bound to be some problem when some bacteria infects us.
Funny thing is, there is always advice of what to do to get better. But I dunno about others, but I never follow it. Then I'll be left in a horrible state feeling like shit and yet feel too lazy to move.
I'm writing down a checklist to follow next time I fall sick:
1. Drink plenty of water. Most of the time when I'm ill, water tastes so bad...I cant understand why, water has a bad aftertaste. And this only happens when I'm sick! I end up drinking less cos I cant bring myself to drink water.
2. Force yourself to eat. Dire consequences will arise if I don't eat. Most of the time I'm so sick I just don wanna get out of bed to go eat. I thought of eating dinner at 8pm...ended up eating half a burger at 12.30. So eat even if you feel like puking..just eat.
3. Why just eat? Most of the time when I don't eat, acid build up in my stomach. Then I feel like puking, then I can't lay down, then I feel my stomach burning.
4. Then when u take a dump in the toilet, what basically comes out is Acid. Doesnt feel too good either.
5. Lots of Acid builds to lots of gas. I've released gas more times today then in the past month!
6. Dont refrain from taking panadol early. Any discomfort either by muscle ache, headache or fever, JUST TAKE THE PANADOL! I have no idea why it took me 18 hrs after I've fallen sick to take my first panadol pill. After half an hr, I could lie on the bed pain-free...and could sleep continuosly for at least 4 hours..that's until the panadol effect wears off...
not hungry, cos I forced myself to down some food, till I feel like puking!...

Saturday, February 5, 2011


When I came back to Malaysia 6 months ago, I had a busy schedule. Everyone wanted to meet up with me cause we should catch up. Even my parents had to ask me for free time a week in advance.
Today is the 2nd weekend night in a row that I'm about to have dinner alone. I do not know if people are really that busy with Chinese New Year, or that 6 months ago they've seen me hence there is really no need to meet up with Jonathan Chua since he comes back ever so often. Friends that I considered close to me have either met me just once, or not at all. I think I have been ffk-ed at least 5 times these past 2 weeks.
Contemplating not returning to Malaysia for a while. Other than a rare few and my parents, nobody seems happy that I'm back. I make the effort in planning outings while others just seem to have the attitude of, if he asks then we go out, otherwise then let it be la..
hungry, but gonna sulk in silence...I've never felt so emo returning to my home country...