Friday, July 17, 2009

something different

I found this in my email this morning...Usually I discard it when the title says 'job offer'
but since I'm gonna have to start looking for one, I might as well take a look, and found this..

Dear Shenhaw,

Do you want to participate in the greatest Mystery Shopping quests nationwide? Have
you ever wondered how Mystery Shoppers are recruited and how prosperous companies
keep up doing business in the highly competitive business world? The answer is that
many companies are recruiting young, creative, observant, and responsible
individuals like you to give their feedback on various products and customer
services and thus improve their quality.

As a Mystery Shopper you have only one responsibility: Act as a real customer while
evaluating the place you are sent to mystery shop and enjoy all the benefits that go
along with your job. Remember that you have nothing to lose, because you are awarded
generously for your efforts:

-You get paid between $10 and $40 per hour for each mystery shopping assignment;
-You keep all things that you have purchased for free;
-You watch movies, eat in restaurants, and visit amusement parks for free;
-You are turning your most enjoyable hobby into a well-paying activity.

Be aware that as a Mystery Shopper you can earn on average $100 to $300 per week.
The most experienced and hard-working shoppers earn up to $500 weekly. This
well-paying job gives you the possibility to visit and observe shops, restaurants,
banks, movie theaters, etc. in order to find their flaws and help their owners
correct and improve them. You can be a Mystery Shopper whenever you have time,
because there is no fixed timetable and you are not obliged to take all the
assignments offered.

If you are interested and would like to give a shot to this intriguing job offer,
just write me back and I will provide you with more pertinent information.

Good Luck,
Dorothy Porter
Recruitment Coordinator

Sounds too good to be true?? I'm gonna reply to find out..


Unknown said...

I've got the same information today.
Sounds too good, but I replied.
We'll see..

Joey Joes said...

Hi, I've gotten the same email and I'm from Australia. I searched the web for scam notifications and landed myself onto this blog. Apparently, the IP address of the sender is in Bulgaria, so it's more likely a scam than not.

Mr A said...

Hey I've also gotten the same message. I'm not replying. They were using my university account which is strange because know one knows it but the uni.

Unknown said...

They are fake. Dont reply.

MericaDiagnogen said...

I just received via my school account and redirected sender to another mail. We'll see for people are no more foolish as they may think. Lets wait and see!!

Samantha Kaplan said...

I just got the same email this morning, also on my univ account... I've received several emails of this kind recently and I think the saying is true "its too good to be true"

Kyle said...

I got this email today for the second time in 6 months but like Damith above it was sent to my college/university email address which no one is supposed to know

therefore I'm pretty sure its a scam

did you guys (those who did respond) ever get responses?

Amanda said...

i just got this email today. Did anyone actually respond? what happened....?

Unknown said...

It sounds scam to me .... nextstep would be to request for our bank details. Guyz better stay away from this and please do not disclose personal and sensitive information.

